How it all began

Adventure of gin.

Let me introduce myself, I’m michelle mum of 2 wild children, I have a girl and a boy. I’m a Lover of really good food, I love to bake and cook from scratch. My full time job is working for the wonderful world of lush cosmetics as a compounder (I make the product, yes I have a face sticker) anyway that’s me, pretty much.

This is me

let talk about why I’m joining the world of blogging. It all started almost a year ago (I know it’s taken me almost a year to start typing but given the fact we are in the middle of a pandemic now is a good as time as any)

I was gifted a bottle of mermaid gin. After having somewhat of a bad experience with gin at my 6th form prom, I decided gin wasn’t for me but after receiving the bottle and trying it I fell in love. Turns out that if you drink a cheap gin and a cheap tonic it isn’t going to be a great time.

My first bottle of gin

One of the main causes why some people have a certain dislike for G&T is because of poor quality tonics and/or wrong ratios. So with that being the case for me I got to thinking of how many small batch gin and how many tonics there are on the market these days, which a lot of people put time and effort in to, to make a beautiful gin and tonic.

So with that being said I’m starting my blog all about my adventures of gin and finding and tasting beautiful small batch gins, tonics and mixes. Ill obviously be starting with the gin that started it all and hopefully when this pandemic is over I’ll be able to visit the distillery’s of these wonderful gins and meet the makers

Till next time….